Explain the Common Bus System with its diagram. | Computer Organization & Architecture

 A basic computer has 8 registers, memory unit and a control unit. The diagram of the common bus system is as shown below.


AbbreviationRegister name
OUTROutput register (Gives Output)
TRTemporary register (Store data for temporary)
IRInstruction register (Holds the instruction of execution)
INPRInput register (Input Data/Values)
ACAccumulator (Store the results of ALU)
DRData register (Hold data)
PCProgram counter ( Hold the address of next instruction )
ARAddress register (Hold the address)

 Step By Step Process of Common Bus System :

Step 1: Program Counter

Step 2: Address Register

Step 3: Memory Unit

Step 4: Data Register

Step 5: Arithmetic and logical Operations Performed

Step 6: Accumulator

Step 7: Output Register Or Temporary Register

PC   →   AR   →   MU   →   DR   →   ALU   →   AC   →   OUTR


The outputs of all the registers except the OUTR (output register) are connected to the common bus. The output selected depends upon the binary value of variables S2, S1 and S0. The lines from common bus are connected to the inputs of the registers and memory. A register receives the information from the bus when its LD (load) input is activated while in case of memory the Write input must be enabled to receive the information. The contents of memory are placed onto the bus when its Read input is activated.

Various Registers:
4 registers DR, AC, IR and TR have 16 bits and 2 registers AR and PC have 12 bits. The INPR and OUTR have 8 bits each. The INPR receives character from input device and delivers it to the AC while the OUTR receives character from AC and transfers it to the output device. 5 registers have 3 control inputs LD (load), INR (increment) and CLR (clear). These types of registers are similar to a binary counter.


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