[SEM 5] Analysis and Design of Algorithms (3150703) GTU Study Materials | Computer Engineering | BE | GTU Medium

Download Design and Analysis of Algorithm Notes PDF, syllabus for B Tech (Bachelor of Technology) 2021. We provide complete design and analysis of algorithm pdf. Design and Analysis of Algorithm lecture notes includes design and analysis of algorithm notes, design and analysis of algorithm book, design and analysis of algorithm courses, design and analysis of algorithm syllabus, design and analysis of algorithm question paper, MCQ, case study, questions and answers and available in design and analysis of algorithm pdf form.

This Design and Analysis of Algorithms Handwritten Notes PDF will require the following basic knowledge:
  • Java Programming: classes, control structures, recursion, testing, etc
  • Data Structures: stacks, queues, lists, trees, etc. Click Here To Check 
  • Complexity: definition of “big O”, Θ notation, amortized analysis, etc.
  • Some maths: proof methods, such as proof by induction, some understanding of continuous functions

Syllabus Content

Unit-1:  Basics of Algorithms and Mathematics

What is an algorithm?, Mathematics for Algorithmic Sets, Functions and Relations, Vectors and Matrices, Linear Inequalities and Linear Equations.

Unit-2:  Analysis of Algorithm

The efficient algorithm, Average, Best and worst case analysis, Amortized analysis , Asymptotic Notations, Analyzing control statement, Loop invariant and the correctness of the algorithm, Sorting Algorithms and analysis: Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort, Shell sort Heap sort, Sorting in linear time : Bucket sort, Radix sort and Counting sort

Unit-3:  Divide and Conquer Algorithm

Introduction, Recurrence and different methods to solve recurrence, Multiplying large Integers Problem, Problem Solving using divide and conquer algorithm - Binary Search, Max-Min problem, Sorting (Merge Sort, Quick Sort), Matrix Multiplication, Exponential.

Unit-4:  Dynamic Programming

Introduction, The Principle of Optimality, Problem Solving using Dynamic Programming – Calculating the Binomial Coefficient, Making Change Problem, Assembly Line-Scheduling, Knapsack problem, All Points Shortest path, Matrix chain multiplication, Longest Common Subsequence.

Unit-5:  Greedy Algorithm

General Characteristics of greedy algorithms, Problem solving using Greedy Algorithm - Activity selection problem, Elements of Greedy Strategy, Minimum Spanning trees (Kruskal’s algorithm, Prim’s algorithm), Graphs: Shortest paths, The Knapsack Problem, Job Scheduling Problem, Huffman code.

Unit-6:  Exploring Graphs

An introduction using graphs and games, Undirected Graph, Directed Graph, Traversing Graphs, Depth First Search, Breath First Search, Topological sort, Connected components.

Unit-7:  Backtracking and Branch and Bound

Introduction, The Eight queens problem , Knapsack problem, Travelling Salesman problem, Minimax principle

Unit-8:  String Matching

Introduction, The naive string matching algorithm, The Rabin-Karp algorithm, String Matching with finite automata, The Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm.

Unit-9:  Introduction to NP-Completeness

The class P and NP, Polynomial reduction, NP- Completeness Problem, NP-Hard Problems. Travelling Salesman problem, Hamiltonian problem, Approximation algorithms

Darshan Notes | Analysis and Design of Algorithms | SEM 5

Darshan Notes (All Units) Click Here
Unit-1:  Basics of Algorithms and Mathematics Click Here
Unit-2:  Analysis of AlgorithmClick Here
Unit-3:  Divide and Conquer AlgorithmClick Here
Unit-4:  Dynamic Programming Click Here
Unit-5:  Greedy AlgorithmClick Here
Unit-6:  Exploring GraphsClick Here
Unit-7:  Backtracking and Branch and BoundClick Here
Unit-8:  String MatchingClick Here
Unit-9:  Introduction to NP-CompletenessClick Here

Referance Books PDF | Analysis and Design of Algorithms  | SEM 5

Analysis and Design of Algorithms (Technical Book) Click Here
Algorithms Design and Analysis by Udit Agarwal Click Here
Analysis and Design of Algorithms by MRCET Click Here
DAA Notes by Dr. L. V. Narasimha Prasad Click Here
Analysis and Design of Algorithms PPT By BMS Institute Click Here
Analysis and Design of Algorithms Notes Click Here

Below is the list of design and analysis of algorithm book recommended by the top university in India.
  • Alfred V. Aho, John E. Hopcroft and Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Data Structures and Algorithms”, Pearson Education, Reprint 2006.
  • Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E.Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein, “Introduction to Algorithms”, Third Edition, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2012.
  • Anany Levitin, “Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2012.
  • Donald E. Knuth, “The Art of Computer Programming”, Volumes 1& 3 Pearson Education, 2009. 4. Steven S. Skiena, “The Algorithm Design Manual”, Second Edition, Springer, 2008.

IMP's and Question Banks | Analysis and Design of Algorithms | SEM 5

Question BanksDownload
ADA IMP QuestionsClick Here
ADA IMP Question(Solved)Click Here

GTU Old Papers | Analysis and Design of Algorithms  | SEM 5

If you have already studied the design and analysis of algorithm notes, then its time to move ahead and go through previous year design and analysis of algorithm question paper.

Year(Winter/Summer)Question Paper
Winter 2021 Click Here
Winter 2020Click Here
Winter 2018 Click Here
Winter 2017 Click Here
Summer 2019Click Here
Summer 2018 Click Here
Summer 2017 Click Here

It will help you to understand question paper pattern and type of design and analysis of algorithm questions and answers asked in B Tech, BCA, MCA, M Tech design and analysis of algorithm exam. You can download the syllabus in design and analysis of algorithm pdf form.

SEM 5 Technical Book Publication

ADA Technical Book Click Here
CN Technical Book Click Here
IPDC Book Click Here
PE Technical Book Click Here
CS Technical Book Click Here
PDS Technical Book Click Here

You can buy this book on Technical Publication.

SEM 5 GTU Study Materials

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