Python is a dynamic, high-level, free open source, and interpreted programming language. It supports object-oriented programming as well as procedural-oriented programming. In Python, we don’t need to declare the type of variable because it is a dynamically typed language. For example, x = 10 Here, x can be anything such as String, int, etc.

1. Easy to Code
Python is a very high-level programming language, yet it is effortless to learn. Anyone can learn to code in Python in just a few hours or a few days. Mastering Python and all its advanced concepts, packages and modules might take some more time. However, learning the basic Python syntax is very easy, as compared to other popular languages like C, C++, and Java.
Let us now look at the next feature of python.
2. Easy to Read
Python code looks like simple English words. There is no use of semicolons or brackets, and the indentations define the code block. You can tell what the code is supposed to do simply by looking at it.
We will now look into the next Python features.
3. Free and Open-Source
Python is developed under an OSI-approved open source license. Hence, it is completely free to use, even for commercial purposes. It doesn't cost anything to download Python or to include it in your application. It can also be freely modified and re-distributed. Python can be downloaded from the official Python website.
Let us find out the next feature of python.
4. Robust Standard Library
Python has an extensive standard library available for anyone to use. This means that programmers don’t have to write their code for every single thing unlike other programming languages. There are libraries for image manipulation, databases, unit-testing, expressions and a lot of other functionalities. In addition to the standard library, there is also a growing collection of thousands of components, which are all available in the Python Package Index.
We'll now learn about the next feature of python.
5. GUI Programming Support
Graphical User interfaces can be made using a module such as PyQt5, PyQt4, wxPython, or Tk in python. PyQt5 is the most popular option for creating graphical apps with Python.
6. High-Level Language
Python is a high-level language. When we write programs in Python, we do not need to remember the system architecture, nor do we need to manage the memory.
7. Extensible feature
Python is an Extensible language. We can write some Python code into C or C++ language and also we can compile that code in C/C++ language.
8. Easy to Debug
Excellent information for mistake tracing. You will be able to quickly identify and correct the majority of your program’s issues once you understand how to interpret Python’s error traces. Simply by glancing at the code, you can determine what it is designed to perform.
9. Python is a Portable language
Python language is also a portable language. For example, if we have Python code for windows and if we want to run this code on other platforms such as Linux, Unix, and Mac then we do not need to change it, we can run this code on any platform.
10. Python is an Integrated language
Python is also an Integrated language because we can easily integrate Python with other languages like C, C++, etc.
11. Interpreted Language:
Python is an Interpreted Language because Python code is executed line by line at a time. like other languages C, C++, Java, etc. there is no need to compile Python code this makes it easier to debug our code. The source code of Python is converted into an immediate form called bytecode.
12. Large Standard Library
Python has a large standard library that provides a rich set of modules and functions so you do not have to write your own code for every single thing. There are many libraries present in Python such as regular expressions, unit-testing, web browsers, etc.
13. Dynamically Typed Language
Python is a dynamically-typed language. That means the type (for example- int, double, long, etc.) for a variable is decided at run time not in advance because of this feature we don’t need to specify the type of variable.
14. Frontend and backend development
With a new project py script, you can run and write Python codes in HTML with the help of some simple tags <py-script>, <py-env>, etc. This will help you do frontend development work in Python like javascript. Backend is the strong forte of Python it’s extensively used for this work cause of its frameworks like Django and Flask.
15. Allocating Memory Dynamically
In Python, the variable data type does not need to be specified. The memory is automatically allocated to a variable at runtime when it is given a value. Developers do not need to write int y = 18 if the integer value 15 is set to y. You may just type y=18.