Write Various Operating System Services. | Operating System

 The operating system is software which handles the computer's functionality like scheduling, input/output operation resource allocation, file system manipulation, etc.

It acts as an interface between the computer hardware and the user.

Operating Systems Services

The services offered by the operating system are as follows −

  • Input/Output operation
  • Resource allocation
  • File system manipulation
  • User interface
  • Program execution
  • Communication
  • Security

The two main roles of the operating system are −

  • Resource Management
  • Security

All the resources like Input/Output device, Memory, Processor, Device, and File are managed by the operating system.

The operating system is responsible for any unauthorized access to the computer data or program or software. This security feature of the operating system protects the data or file from viruses, worms, malware, threats, and unauthorized remote access, etc.

Let us discuss each service in detail.

Input/output operation

The program or a task may require any I/O device while running or performing an operation. So, the operating system is going to provide the required I/O.

The Operating System is responsible for handling all sorts of inputs, like keyboard, mouse, desktop, etc.

Resource allocation

The Operating System takes care about the proper use of all the resources available and allots which resource to be used by whom for how much time. All these types of decisions are taken by the Operating System.

The different types of resources are CPU, memory, I/O etc.


Operating System Study materials

    Operating System Technigoo Publication Book

      File system manipulation

      The operating system gives the permission to the program to perform operations on files like read a file or write a file, delete a file or update a file. These are all the different manipulations that can be done on file by file system manipulation with the help of the operating system.

      The Operating System is making decisions regarding the storage of all types of data or files, like floppy disk or hard disk or pen drive, etc.

      User interface

      Operating systems play an important role and provide the services to interact with users. Mainly it acts as an interface between user and system.

      Program execution

      Operating system helps in loading a program into memory and executes that program. The program that is executing must be able to end its execution, either normally or abnormally.

      Operating systems play a role in executing all types of programs whether it is user program or system program.


      Operating system provides a service for data transfer between two processes. Both processes are on the same computer or on different computers but connected with the help of a computer network.

      Communication can be implemented by two methods which are as follows −

      • Shared memory
      • Message passing


      The Operating System is using all the information and resources available on the machine in the most protected way. The security feature of the operating system protects the data or file from viruses, worms, malware, threats, and unauthorized remote access, etc.

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