Electrical Machines-I By U.A.Bakshi,V.U.Bakshi | Electric Engineering | SEM 4 | 3140913

Electrical Machines-I By U.A.Bakshi,V.U.Bakshi

About Book:-

Publisher : Technical Publications Pune
Language : English
Pages : 432 pages
ISBN-10 : 933322369X, 9789333223690
Item Weight : 700 g
Dimensions : 24 x 18.3 x 2.3 cm
Country of Origin : India
Generic Name : Books

Electrical Machines – I (3140913) Syllabus :


1 Magnetic fields and magnetic circuits

Review of magnetic circuits - MMF, flux, reluctance, inductance; Visualization of magnetic fields produced by a bar magnet and a current carrying coil - through air and through a combination of iron and air. Review of Ampere’s law and Biot Savart law.

2 Principles of Electromechanical Energy Conversion

B-H curve of magnetic materials; flux-linkage vs current characteristic of magnetic circuits; linear and nonlinear magnetic circuits; energy stored in the magnetic circuit; force as a partial derivative of stored energy with respect to position of a moving element; torque as a partial derivative of stored energy with respect to angular position of a rotating element.

3 DC Machines

Review of construction and working of a DC machine, visualization of magnetic field produced by the field winding excitation with armature winding open, air gap flux density distribution, flux per pole, induced EMF in an armature coil. Armature winding and commutation – Elementary armature coil and commutator, lap and wave windings, construction of commutator, Commutation, Derivation of back EMF equation, armature MMF wave, derivation of torque equation, armature reaction, air gap flux density distribution with armature reaction. Armature circuit equation for motoring and generation, Types of field excitations – separately excited, shunt and series. Open circuit characteristic of separately excited DC generator, voltage build-up in a shunt generator, critical field resistance and critical speed.V-I characteristics and torque-speed characteristics of separately excited, shunt and series motors. Speed control methods. Losses and Efficiency in DC machines. Swinburn’s test, Hopkinson’s test, Field test, Retardation test, Separation of losses of a DC shunt machine

4 Transformers

Review of construction and working principle of single-phase and three-phase transformers, equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, voltage regulation, losses and efficiency. Testing - open circuit and short circuit tests, polarity test, back-to-back test, separation of hysteresis and eddy current losses Three-phase transformer - construction, types of connection and their comparative features, Vector groups, Parallel operation of single-phase and three-phase transformers, Autotransformers - construction, principle, applications and comparison with two winding transformer, Magnetizing current, effect of nonlinear B-H curve of magnetic core material, harmonics in magnetization current, Phase conversion - Scott connection, three-phase to six-phase conversion, Tap-changing transformers - No-load and on-load tap-changing of transformers, Three-winding transformers. Cooling of transformers. 

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