[Solved] Winter 2021 Computer Organization & Architecture(3140707) SEM 4 GTU Paper Solution | GTU Paper Solution | GTU Medium

Subject Code:3140707 
Subject Name:Computer Organization & Architecture
Time:10:30 AM TO 01:00 PM 
Total Marks: 70


Q.1 (a) Explain three state buffers.

Tri-state buffer that means a buffer with three states and in that case two states are as usual one is input another is output with logic states either 0 or 1 but now we are adding one more state that is the third state named as high impedance state which makes the buffer gate to work as an open state circuit.

The tristate buffer, shown in , has three possible output states: HIGH (1), LOW (0), and floating (Z). The tristate buffer has an input A, output Y, and enable E. When the enable is TRUE, the tristate buffer acts as a simple buffer, transferring the input value to the output. When the enable is FALSE, the output is allowed to float (Z).
It contains both normal input and control input. Here, the output state is determined by the control input. 

  • When the control input is 1, the output is enabled and the gate will behave like a conventional buffer.
  • When the control input is 0, the output is disabled and the gate will be in a high impedance state.
Bus Line with three-state -buffers
  • To form a single bus line, all the outputs of the 4 buffers are connected together.
  • The control input will now decide which of the 4 normal inputs will communicate with the bus line.
  • The decoder is used to ensure that only one control input is active at a time.
  • The diagram of a 3-state buffer can be seen below.

(b) Describe BUN and BSA memory reference instructions in detail.


The Branch Unconditionally (BUN) instruction can send the instruction that is determined by the effective address. They understand that the address of the next instruction to be performed is held by the PC and it should be incremented by one to receive the address of the next instruction in the sequence. If the control needs to implement multiple instructions that are not next in the sequence, it can execute the BUN instruction.


BSA stands for Branch and Save return Address. These instructions can branch a part of the program (known as subroutine or procedure). When this instruction is performed, BSA will store the address of the next instruction from the PC into a memory location that is determined by the effective address.

(c) What is interrupt? Describe interrupt cycle with neat diagram. 

An interrupt is a signal emitted by hardware or software when a process or an event needs immediate attention.
An interrupt is an event that alters the sequence in which the processor executes instructions.
Interrupt processing
instruction cycle consists of fetch, execute and interrupt stage show in below diagram −

If any interrupt occurs, it is indicated by an interrupt flag. The CPU will go to interrupt handler routine. Interrupt handler then checks the type of interrupt and executes the appropriate function. It involves overhead but still better than the CPU waiting for I/O completion or other activities.
Interrupt handler activates most prior able activity first and later deferrable part will be handled.

Step 1 − First device issues interrupt to CPU.

Step 2 − Then, the CPU finishes execution of current instruction.

Step 3 − CPU tests for pending interrupt request. If there is one, it sends an acknowledgment to the device which removes its interrupt signal.

Step 4 − CPU saves program status word onto control stack.

Step 5 − CPU loads the location of the interrupt handler into the PC register.

Step 6 − Save the contents of all registers from the control stack into memory.

Step 7 − Find out the cause of interrupt, or interrupt type or invokes appropriate routine.

Step 8 − Restore saved registers from the stack.

Step 9 − Restore PC to dispatch the original process.

Q.2 (a) Differentiate assembly language and machine language.

Difference Between Machine Language and Assembly Language

ParametersMachine LanguageAssembly Language
Nature of SyntaxThe machine languages consist of 1s and 0s as binary digits.The assembly languages have a similar syntax to that of the English language- thus making it easy for general users to understand (other than the programmers).
Ease of ComprehensionOnly computers can comprehend machine languages. A normal human doesn’t possess the capacity to decipher it.It is very easy for any human to understand, apply, and use assembly language. Machines cannot directly read and understand them.
Level of LanguageThe machine language is the lowest level of all the programming languages. It executes all the instructions directly through the CPU (Central Processing System) of the system.The assembly language is a low-level language for programming that requires an assembler to convert the instructions into a final object or machine code.
DependencyThe machine languages stay dependent on the concerned platforms. Their features have a variation accordingly.The assembly languages consist of a standard set of instructions.
Applicable AreasThese languages only serve in the case of coding for machines.One can use these languages in microprocessor-based devices/ apps and also for real-time systems.
ProgrammingLanguage Generation

The machine languages are first-gen languages.

The assembly languages are second-gen languages.
Representation of CodeIn machine languages, one can represent the data and info by using the binary format of 1s and 0s along with octadecimal and hexadecimal.The assembly languages make use of mnemonics like End, Sub, Ass, Mov, Mul, etc., to represent data and info.
Use of MnemonicsThe machine languages make use of a sequence of bits to give commands. The 1s (one) depict the on or true states. The 0s (zero), on the other hand, depict the off or false states. Converting a high-level language into a machine language depends on the system’s CPU. But we don’t need mnemonics in a machine language.They don’t use raw bit sequences- but mnemonics symbols and names. In the case of the assembly languages, the users don’t need to remember the concerned op-codes. The assembly language codes are always more readable than the machine language ones. Humans can easily map them into machine codes.
Speed of ExecutionThe process of execution is very fast in the case of machine languages. It is because they already contain their data in a binary format.These languages have a slower execution than that of any machine language.
TranslatorThe machine languages need no translators. It is because they are already present in machine-understandable form.Assembly languages need translators (also known as assemblers) for converting the mnemonics into a machine-understandable form.
DependencyAll machine languages are dependent on hardware.The assembly languages are machine-dependent. They are, thus, not portable.
ModificationsThe machine languages have no support regarding changes, alterations, and fixing errors.One can easily modify an assembly programming language.
MemorizationAny human, in general, cannot memorize the binary codes of machine languages. Thus, it is not possible for someone to learn these languages.It is very much possible for people to memorize the codes/ commands that we use in assembly languages. Thus, one can learn these languages.
Risk of ErrorsThere is a higher risk of errors in the syntax of any machine language, in general.There is a comparatively lower risk of errors in the syntax of an assembly language in use.
CompilerA machine language doesn’t need a compiler to execute its commands.One needs an assembler (commonly called a compiler) to execute the commands of an assembly language properly.

(b) What is the need of common bus? Draw common bus cycle.
Generally, computers use many registers for different purposes. We need to transfer the data and instruction between these registers. So, To transfers the data between the registers, the common bus system is used .

(c) Write an assembly language program to find whether the given number
is prime or not.
(c) Write an assembly language program to find factorial of the given

Q.3 (a) Define followings:
1. Control Memory : The control memory consists of microprograms that are fixed and cannot be modified frequently. They contain microinstructions that specify the internal control signals required to execute register micro-operations. The machine instructions generate a chain of microinstructions in the control memory
2. Control Word : Control word is defined as a word whose individual bits represent the various control signal. The control words related to an instruction that is stored in microprogram memory. It is a set of micro-instructions in a micro-routine. In control words, microoperations are specified, they are known as microinstructions.
3. Control Address Register : Contains the address of the next microinstruction to be executed.

(b) Draw the flowchart of first pass of the assembler and explain working
of the same.
During the first pass, it generates a table that correlates all user-defined address symbols with their binary equivalent value.
  • The binary translation is done during the second pass.
  • To keep track of the location of instructions, the assembler uses a memory word called a location counter (abbreviated LC).
  • The content of LC stores the value of the memory location assigned to the instruction or operand presently being processed.
  • The ORG pseudo instruction initializes the location counter to the value of the first location.
  • Since instructions are stored in sequential locations, the content of LC is incremented by 1 after processing each line of code.
  • To avoid ambiguity in case ORG is missing, the assembler sets the location counter to 0 initially.
  • The tasks performed by the assembler during the first pass are described in the flowchart of figure.
  • LC is initially set to 0.
  • A line of symbolic code is analyzed to determine if it has a label (by the presence of a comma).
  • If the line of code has no label, the assembler checks the symbol in the instruction field.
  • If it contains an ORG pseudo instruction, the assembler sets LC to the number that follows ORG and goes back to process the next line.
  • If the line has an END pseudo instruction, the assembler terminates the first pass and goes to the second pass.
  • If the line of code contains a label, it is stored in the address symbol table together with its binary equivalent number specified by the content of LC Nothing is stored in the table if no label is encountered. 
  • LC is then incremented by 1 and a new line of code is processed.

(c) What is the significance of pipelining in computer architecture? Write
a note on instruction pipeline.
Pipelining : Pipelining is a process of arrangement of hardware elements of the CPU such that its overall performance is increased. Simultaneous execution of more than one instruction takes place in a pipelined processor.
Let us see a real life example that works on the concept of pipelined operation. Consider a water bottle packaging plant. Let there be 3 stages that a bottle should pass through, Inserting the bottle(I), Filling water in the bottle(F), and Sealing the bottle(S). Let us consider these stages as stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3 respectively. Let each stage take 1 minute to complete its operation.
Now, in a non pipelined operation, a bottle is first inserted in the plant, after 1 minute it is moved to stage 2 where water is filled. Now, in stage 1 nothing is happening. Similarly, when the bottle moves to stage 3, both stage 1 and stage 2 are idle. But in pipelined operation, when the bottle is in stage 2, another bottle can be loaded at stage 1. Similarly, when the bottle is in stage 3, there can be one bottle each in stage 1 and stage 2. So, after each minute, we get a new bottle at the end of stage 3. 
Thus, pipelined operation increases the efficiency of a system.
Instruction Pipeline
Pipeline processing can occur not only in the data stream but in the instruction stream as well.
Most of the digital computers with complex instructions require instruction pipeline to carry out operations like fetch, decode and execute instructions.
In general, the computer needs to process each instruction with the following sequence of steps.
  1. Fetch instruction from memory.
  2. Decode the instruction.
  3. Calculate the effective address.
  4. Fetch the operands from memory.
  5. Execute the instruction.
  6. Store the result in the proper place.

Q.3 (a) What is address sequencing? Explain.
Addressing sequence is able to increment the CAR (Control address register). It provides the facility for subroutine calls and returns. A mappings process is provided by the addressing sequence from the instructions bits to a control memory address.
 Addressing Sequencing in Computer Organization

In the above diagram, we can see a block diagram of a control memory and associative hardware, which is required for selecting the address of next microinstruction. The microinstruction is used to contain a set of bits in the control memory. With the help of some bits, we are able to start the micro-operations in a computer register. The remaining bits of microinstruction are used to specify the method by which we are able to obtain the next address.

In this diagram, we can also see that the control address register are able to recover their address with the help of four different directions. The CAR is incremented with the help of incrementer and then chooses the next instruction. The branching address will be determined in the multiple fields of microinstruction so that they can provide results in branching.

If there are status bits of microinstruction and we want to apply conditions on them, in this case, we can use conditional branching. An external address can be shared with the help of a mapping logic circuit. The return address will be saved by a special register. This saved address will be helpful when the micro-program requires returning from the subroutine. At that time, it requires the value from the unique register.

(b) Construct a 4-bit adder-subtractor circuit.

As shown in the figure, the first full adder has control line directly as its input(input carry Cin), The input A0 (The least significant bit of A) is directly input in the full adder. The third input is the exor of B0 and K. The two outputs produced are Sum/Difference (S0) and Carry (C0)

(c) What addressing mode means? Explain any three addressing modes in
detail with example.
An addressing mode specifies how to calculate the effective memory address of an operand by using information held in registers and/or constants contained within a machine instruction or elsewhere.
For any Operations require the following:
  • The operator or opcode which determines what will be done
  • The operands which define the data to be used in the operation
For example, if we wanted to add the numbers 1 and 2 and get a result, mathematically we would likely write this as 1 + 2. In this case, our operator is (+), or the addition, and our operands are the numbers 1 and 2.
In a microprocessor, the machine needs to be told how to get the operands to perform the operation. The effective address is a term that describes the address of an operand that is stored in memory. There are several methods to designate the effective address of those operands or get them directly from the register. These methods are known as addressing modes.

1. Direct Addressing Mode:
In direct addressing mode, the address field contains the address of the operand.

Effective Address (EA) = address field of operand 

Example: Add the contents of register 1001 to the accumulator.

Add (1001) 

Only a single memory reference is required to access data. So no additional calculations are required to work out effective address.

2. Immediate Addressing Mode:
In immediate addressing mode, the operand is a part of the instruction.

Here the Operand = Address Field 

Example: Add 5 to the accumulator.

ADD 5 

No memory reference is required to fetch data. So no additional calculations are required to work out the effective address. It is a fast method. But the downside is that it has a limited range.

3. Register mode: In register addressing the operand is placed in one of 8 bit or 16 bit general purpose registers. The data is in the register that is specified by the instruction.

Here one register reference is required to access the data.

Example: MOV AX,CX (move the contents of CX register to AX register)

Q.4 (a) Enlist the characteristics of RISC.
Reduction Instruction Set Computer (RISC) is a multiprocessor particularly designed to process limited computer instructions in order to operate at a much higher speed. On any given system, there are many programs and many instructions being executed. It was discovered that only 10% of all instructions were frequently executed, and that the other 90% clogged the pipeline, thus contributing to the system slowness.
Let's take a closer look at some of the characteristics of RISC one at a time.
1. Small and Limited Numbers of Instructions
As explained earlier, to increase the speed and performance of RISC, a limited number of frequently used instructions are executed. This reduces the number of cycles per instruction but at a cost of total number of instructions executed in the same time frame.
2. Hardwired Control Units
Hardwired control units are fixed logic circuits for control, signal generation, and interpretation of instruction sets. RISC use these hardwired control units in its design structure to execute instructions. This leads to better performance and faster processing, but the implementation is not very flexible.
3. High Performance With Decreased Power
RISC processors achieve high throughput but use less power. This is achieved when processor resources are heavily pipelined and using their full potential.
4. Simple Instructions
RISC instructions are simple and always consistent. Because of this simplicity, more instructions can be executed in one cycle.
5. Simple Addressing Modes
Addressing modes refer to the locations of the data within the instruction set that is to be executed. Some processors support many different types of addressing modes. The addressing modes employed by RISC, however, are simple and do not use memory references.
6. Uniform Fixed Length Instruction Set
Data can be stored in 2 ways:
  • inside the instruction, or
  • in the register.
When data is stored in the instruction, the length of the addressing mode may vary accordingly. As discussed above, RISC employs simple addressing modes, characterized by uniform and fixed-length instruction sets. Thus, in the case of RISC, data is stored in the registries, which are fixed length.
7. Large Number of Registers
There is minimal interaction with memory with RISC. Instead, RISC uses a large number of registers to execute its instructions. This frees up memory for other purposes.

(b) Write a program to evaluate X = (a*b)/c+d in two address and three
address instruction formats.
(c) Draw neat and clean flowchart for divide operation. Explain with

Q.4 (a) Differentiate isolated I/O and memory mapped I/O. 

Sr.No.Isolated I/OMapped I/O
1Memory and I/O have separate address spaceBoth have same address space
2All address can be used by the memoryDue to addition of I/O addressable memory become less for memory
3Separate instruction control read and write operation in I/O and MemorySame instructions can control both I/O and Memory
4In this I/O address are called ports.Normal memory address are for both.
5More efficient due to separate busesLesser efficient
6Larger in size due to more busesSmaller in size.
7It is complex due to separate separate logic is used to control both.Simpler logic is used as I/O is also treated as memory only.

(b) Describe pipeline conflicts. 
These conflicts arise when the instruction in the pipeline depends on the result of the previous instructions and these instructions are still in pipeline and are not executed yet.This problem generally occurs in instruction processing where different instructions have different operand requirements and thus different processing time.
(c) What is cache memory address mapping? Compare and contrast direct address mapping and set-associative address mapping.
Cache mapping refers to a technique using which the content present in the main memory is brought into the memory of the cache. Three distinct types of mapping are used for cache memory mapping.Here is a diagram that illustrates the actual process of mapping:

One can perform the process of cache mapping using these three techniques given as follows:

1. K-way Set Associative Mapping
2. Direct Mapping
3. Fully Associative Mapping

1. Direct Mapping
In direct mapping,
A particular block of main memory can map only to a particular line of the cache.
The line number of cache to which a particular block can map is given by-
Cache line number = ( Main Memory Block Address ) Modulo (Number of lines in Cache)

Example :

  • Consider cache memory is divided into ‘n’ number of lines.
  • Then, block ‘j’ of main memory can map to line number (j mod n) only of the cache.


 2. Fully Associative Mapping-

In fully associative mapping,

  • A block of main memory can map to any line of the cache that is freely available at that moment.
  • This makes fully associative mapping more flexible than direct mapping.

 Example- Consider the following scenario-



  • All the lines of cache are freely available.
  • Thus, any block of main memory can map to any line of the cache.
  • Had all the cache lines been occupied, then one of the existing blocks will have to be replaced.

3. K-way Set Associative Mapping

In k-way set associative mapping,

  • Cache lines are grouped into sets where each set contains k number of lines.
  • A particular block of main memory can map to only one particular set of the cache.
  • However, within that set, the memory block can map any cache line that is freely available.
  • The set of the cache to which a particular block of the main memory can map is given by-


Cache set number = ( Main Memory Block Address ) Modulo (Number of sets in Cache)

Example- Consider the following example of 2-way set associative mapping-



  • k = 2 suggests that each set contains two cache lines.
  • Since cache contains 6 lines, so number of sets in the cache = 6 / 2 = 3 sets.
  • Block ‘j’ of main memory can map to set number (j mod 3) only of the cache.
  • Within that set, block ‘j’ can map to any cache line that is freely available at that moment.
  • If all the cache lines are occupied, then one of the existing blocks will have to be replaced.

Q.5 (a) What is the importance of virtual memory?
Virtual memory is important for improving system performance, multitasking and using large programs. However, users should not overly rely on virtual memory, since it is considerably slower than RAM. If the OS has to swap data between virtual memory and RAM too often, the computer will begin to slow down -- this is called thrashing.
Benefits of virtual memory : 
  • Allocating memory is easy and cheap
  • Eliminates external fragmentation
  • Data (page frames) can be scattered all over PM
  • Pages are mapped appropriately anyway
  • Large programs can be written, as virtual space available is huge compared to physical memory.
  • Less I/O required, leads to faster and easy swapping of processes.
  • More physical memory available, as programs are stored on virtual memory, so they occupy very less space on actual physical memory.
  • More efficient swapping
(b) Explain multiport memory and crossbar switch with reference to interconnection structures in multiprocessors.
  1. A multiport memory system employs separate buses between each memory module and each CPU.

  2. This is shown in Fig . 3 for four CPUs and four memory modules (MMs).

  3. Each processor busis Connected to each memory module.

  4. A processor bus consists of the address, data, and control lines required to communicate with memory.

  5. The memory module is said to have four ports and each port accommodates one of the buses. The module must have internal control logic to determine which port will have access to memory at any given time. Memory access conflicts are resolved by assigning fixed priorities to each memory port.

  6. The priority for memory acoess associated with each processor may be established by the physical port position that its bus occupies in each module.

  7. Thus CPU 1 will have priority over CPU 2, CPU 2 will have priority over CPU 3, and CPU 4 will have the lowest priority.

  8. The advantage of the multi port memory organization is the high transfer rate that can be achieved because of the multiple paths between processors and memory.

  9. The disadvantage is that it requires expensive memory control logic and a large number of cables and connectors. As a consequence, this interconnection structure is usually appropriate for systems with a small number of processors.

Cross bar Switch :
A point is reached at which there is a separate path available for each memory module, if the number of buses in common bus system is increased. Crossbar Switch (for multiprocessors) provides a separate path for each module.

Cross-Bar Switch

Multiport Memory :
In Multiport Memory systems, the control, switching & priority arbitration logic are distributed throughout the crossbar switch matrix which is distributed at the interfaces to the memory modules.

(c) Assume a computer system uses 5 bit (1 sign + 4 Magnitude) registers and 2’s complement representation. Perform multiplication of number 10 with the smallest number in this system using booth algorithm. Show step-by-step multiplication process.
Q.5 (a) What is cache coherence? Describe.

Cache coherence : In a multiprocessor system, data inconsistency may occur among adjacent levels or within the same level of the memory hierarchy. In a shared memory multiprocessor with a separate cache memory for each processor, it is possible to have many copies of any one instruction operand: one copy in the main memory and one in each cache memory. When one copy of an operand is changed, the other copies of the operand must be changed also. 

Example : Cache and the main memory may have inconsistent copies of the same object.


Suppose there are three processors, each having cache. Suppose the following scenario:-

  • Processor 1 read X : obtains 24 from the memory and caches it.
  • Processor 2 read X : obtains 24 from memory and caches it.
  • Again, processor 1 writes as X : 64, Its locally cached copy is updated. Now, processor 3 reads X, what value should it get?
  • Memory and processor 2 thinks it is 24 and processor 1 thinks it is 64.

As multiple processors operate in parallel, and independently multiple caches may possess different copies of the same memory block, this creates a cache coherence problem.

(b) A 4-way set-associative cache memory unit with a capacity of 16 KB is built using a block size of 8 words. The word length is 32 bits. The size of the physical address space is 4 GB. How many bits for the will be required for TAG field?


1 W = 4 B (word length is 32 bits)

Physical address space (PS) = 4 G B = 230 W

Cache size (CS) = =16 KB = 214 B = 212 W

Block size (BS) = 8 W = 23 W

set associativity = 4


number of bits = log2 n 

Number of lines in cache = CS/BS

Number of sets in cache numbeolines/seassociativity

PAS = tag + set + block offset .....(in bits)


Number of lines in cache = 212/23= 29

Number of sets in cache = 29/4




Block Offset

x bits

7 bits

3 bits

30 = x + 7 + 3

x = 20

 tag = 20 bits

The number of bits for the TAG field is 20.

(c) Which are the different ways to transfer data to and from peripheral devices? Explain any one of them in detail.

Basic or simple data transfer scheme: The simplest data transfer scheme is the basic or simple data transfer. This method is beneficial to us when we have accurate know-ledge of the Input Output device timing characteristics.

Status check data transfer: Status check data transfer process is a much more complex process than simple data transfer. We use this method is used when there is lack of accurate knowledge of the Input Output device consisting of the timing characteristics. Status information is received by the processor regarding the readiness of the Input Output device for performing the data transfer.

Interrupt driven data transfer: We use this method when there lacks accurate knowledge of the timing characteristics of the Input Output device which takes maximum time for the device to be ready for use. Suppose we resort for the checking of data transfer; the processor here wastes a huge time in the loop for the device to get ready up to the mark.

Programmed I/O: It is due to the result of the I/O instructions that are written in the computer program. Each data item transfer is initiated by an instruction in the program. Usually the transfer is from a CPU register and memory. In this case it requires constant monitoring by the CPU of the peripheral devices.
Example of Programmed I/O: In this case, the I/O device does not have direct access to the memory unit. A transfer from I/O device to memory requires the execution of several instructions by the CPU, including an input instruction to transfer the data from device to the CPU and store instruction to transfer the data from CPU to memory. In programmed I/O, the CPU stays in the program loop until the I/O unit indicates that it is ready for data transfer. This is a time consuming process since it needlessly keeps the CPU busy. This situation can be avoided by using an interrupt facility. This is discussed below.

Interrupt- initiated I/O: Since in the above case we saw the CPU is kept busy unnecessarily. This situation can very well be avoided by using an interrupt driven method for data transfer. By using interrupt facility and special commands to inform the interface to issue an interrupt request signal whenever data is available from any device. In the meantime the CPU can proceed for any other program execution. The interface meanwhile keeps monitoring the device. Whenever it is determined that the device is ready for data transfer it initiates an interrupt request signal to the computer. Upon detection of an external interrupt signal the CPU stops momentarily the task that it was already performing, branches to the service program to process the I/O transfer, and then return to the task it was originally performing.

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