Discrete Mathematics GTU (3140708) Atul Prakashan Book SEM-4 CE-IT


About Book:-
This book is written by author Shailesh Patel and this book is used for Gujarat Technological University students as a textbook.

1 Set Theory , Functions and Counting

Set Theory : Basic Concepts of Set Theory: Definitions, Inclusion, Equality of Sets, Cartesian product, The Power Set, Some operations on Sets, Venn Diagrams, Some Basic Set Identities 
Functions : Introduction & definition, Co-domain, range, image, value of a function; Examples, surjective, injective, bijective; examples; Composition of functions, examples; Inverse function, Identity map, condition of a function to be invertible, examples; Inverse of composite functions, Properties of Composition of functions;
Counting : The Basics of Counting, The Pigeonhole Principle, Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Coefficients, Generalized Permutations and Combinations, Generating Permutations and Combinations

2 Propositional Logic and Predicate Logic

Propositional Logic: Definition, Statements & Notation, Truth Values, Connectives, Statement Formulas & Truth Tables, Well-formed Formulas, Tautologies, Equivalence of Formulas, Duality Law, Tautological Implications, Examples 
Predicate Logic: Definition of Predicates; Statement functions, Variables, Quantifiers, Predicate Formulas, Free & Bound Variables; The Universe of Discourse, Examples, Valid Formulas & Equivalences, Examples

3 Relations, Partial ordering and Recursion

Relations : Definition, Binary Relation, Representation, Domain, Range, Universal Relation, Void Relation, Union, Intersection, and Complement Operations on Relations, Properties of Binary Relations in a Set: Reflexive, Symmetric, Transitive, Anti-symmetric Relations, Relation Matrix and Graph of a Relation; Partition and Covering of a Set, Equivalence Relation, Equivalence Classes, Compatibility Relation, Maximum Compatibility Block, Composite Relation, Converse of a Relation, Transitive Closure of a Relation R in Set X 
Partial Ordering : Definition, Examples, Simple or Linear Ordering, Totally Ordered Set (Chain), Frequently Used Partially Ordered Relations, Representation of Partially Ordered Sets, Hesse Diagrams, Least & Greatest Members, Minimal & Maximal Members, Least Upper Bound (Supremum), Greatest Lower Bound (infimum), Wellordered Partially Ordered Sets (Posets). Lattice as Posets, complete, distributive modular and complemented lattices Boolean and pseudo Boolean lattices. (Definitions and simple examples only) 
Recurrence Relation: Introduction, Recursion, Recurrence Relation, Solving, Recurrence Relation

4 Algebraic Structures

Algebraic structures with one binary operation- Semigroup, Monoid, Group, Subgroup, normal subgroup, group Permutations, Coset, homomorphic subgroups, Lagrange’s theorem, Congruence relation and quotient structures. Algebraic structures (Definitions and simple examples only) with two binary operation- Ring, Integral domain and field.

5 Graphs

Graphs : Introduction, definition, examples; Nodes, edges, adjacent nodes, directed and undirected edge, Directed graph, undirected graph, examples; Initiating and terminating nodes, Loop (sling), Distinct edges, Parallel edges, Multi-graph, simple graph, weighted graphs, examples, Isolated nodes, Null graph; Isomorphic graphs, examples; Degree, Indegree, out-degree, total degree of a node, examples; Subgraphs: definition, examples; Converse (reversal or directional dual) of a digraph, examples; Path: Definition, Paths of a given graph, length of path, examples; Simple path (edge simple), elementary path (node simple), examples; Cycle (circuit), elementary cycle, examples; 
Reachability : Definition, geodesic, distance, examples; Properties of reachability, the triangle inequality; Reachable set of a given node, examples, Node base, examples; 
Connectedness : Definition, weakly connected, strongly connected, unilaterally connected, examples; Strong, weak, and unilateral components of a graph, examples, Applications to represent Resource allocation status of an operating system, and detection and correction of deadlocks; Matrix representation of graph: Definition, Adjacency matrix, boolean (or bit) matrix, examples; Determine number of paths of length n through Adjacency matrix, examples; Path (Reachability) matrix of a graph, examples; Warshall’s algorithm to produce Path matrix, Flowchart. Trees: Definition, branch nodes, leaf (terminal) nodes, root, examples; Different representations of a tree, examples; Binary tree, m-ary tree, Full (or complete) binary tree, examples; Converting any m-ary tree to a binary tree, examples; Representation of a binary tree: Linked-list; Tree traversal: Pre-order, in-order, post-order traversal, examples, algorithms; Applications of List structures and graphs

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