IC-3130007 Gtu Paper Solution 2019 | IMP Question And Answers


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Subject Code: 3130007

Subject Name: Indian Constitution


Question 1 :  Discuss the meaning of the constitution. Why is it necessary for a country?

Answer :  

•Constitution is a set of written rules that are accepted by all the people of a country.Also We can say that  

•Constitution is a writing rules, laws and principles according to which country is governed. 

•it is a and essential document according to which the Governance of a country is carried out every constitution reflect the vision and values its founding fathers and is based on the social political and economic ethos of a nation.

A Constitution is necessary because of the following reasons:

1.It is an important law of the land. 

2.It determines the relationship of the citizens with the governments.

3.It lays down principles and guidelines which are required for people belonging to different ethnic and religious groups to live in harmony.

4.It specifies on how the Government would be elected and who will have the power and the responsibility to take important decisions.

5.It outlines the limits on the power of the Government and tells us about the rights of the citizens.

6.It expresses the aspirations of the people about creating a good society.

Question 2 : If you are to take a pledge to abide by four Fundamental Duties on Independence Day, which four duties, according to you, are the most important ones and why?

Answer : 

The Four fundamental duties I would pledge to abide by are:

1.to protect and improve the natural environment and to have compassion for living creatures 

2.to promote harmony and the spirit of brotherhood amongst all the people irrespective of religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities

3.to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem;

4.to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of the nation.

Question 3 : Explain the scheme of fundamental right to freedom as contained in Indian Constitution.

Answer :

1. Freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India.

2. Freedom to resident and settle in any part of the India.

3. Freedom to form associations or unions.

4. Freedom to assemble peacefully without arms.

5. Freedom of Speech and expression.

6. Freedom to Trade or business

Question 4 : State the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution of India.

Answer :

1. Right to equality

2. Right to freedom

3. Right against exploitation 

4. Right to freedom of religion

5. Right to cultural expression & education 

6. Right to constitutional remedies

Question 5 : List the key features of Indian Constitution.

Answer :

1. World’s Longest Constitution.

2. Single Citizenship.

3. Three tier Government. (Central, State, Local)

4. Fundamental Rights. (Total 6 Rights)

5. Independent Judiciary.

6. Republic.

7. Favors to Background classes etc.

8. Universal Franchise. (right to vote of age upper 18)

9. Federal Constitution. (distribution of legislative, administrative and

executive powers between the Central government and

the States of India)

10. Parliament form of Government. ( ministers get their legitimacy

from Parliament)

Question 6 : Explain any five important amendments of the Indian Constitution.

Answer :  

Question 7 :  Relate the directive principles with their appropriate category.

Answer :

There are three types of Directive principles :

1. Socialistics Principles

2. Gandhiyan Principles

3. Liberal Intellectual

Socialistics Principles

1. Securing the welfare ofthe people of India,

2. Equal distribution of the material resources of the country

3. Equal pay for equal work,

4. Education etc.

Gandhiyan Principles

1. Organizing village Panchayat,

2. Prohibition of intoxicating drinks and cow-slaughter, secure living wage,

3. Decent standard of life, and to promote cottage industries,

4. To provide free and compulsory education to all children up to 14 years of age etc.

Liberal Intellectual Directive

1. Uniform civil code throughout the country and

2. The legislatures to follow in issuing orders or making laws.

Question 8 : Define the Amendment of the Constitution. Explain ways of Constitution Amendment.

Answer : 

An amendment is official change in constitution law.

Way of Constitution Amendments:

1.Amendment by simple majority of the parliament

Amendments in this category can

be made by a simple majority of members present and voting, before sending

them for the President's assent.

  • 50 % +1 of members present and voting in the house

2. Amendment by Special majority of the parliament

  • Generally 2/3 of total present and voting

Amendments can be made in this category by a two - third majority of the total number of members present and voting, which should not be less than half of the total membership of the house.

3. By Special majority of the Parliament and ratification of at least half of

the state legislatures by special majoity. After this, it is sent to the President

for his assent.

Question 9 :  Explain the right to freedom of religion.

Answer :  

The right to freedom of religion includes :

1. Freedom of conscience

2. Freedom of propagation of religion

3. Freedom to manage religious affairs

4. Freedom from religious instructions in certain educational institutes

5. Certain educational institutes.

6. Freedom from Taxation for Promotion of Religion.

Question 10 :  Define Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha.

Answer : 

Question 11 :  Classify the role of Local Government. – 

Answer : 

The roles of Local Government :

Gram Panchayat - At the bottom level covers a village or group of villages

Taluka Panchayat- Covers a group of Gram panchayat

Zilla Panchayat -At the top level. covers the entire rural area ofthe District.

Role of Local Government :

Water supply



Over bridge

Street lighting


Solid waste

Fire brigades

Market places

Record of birth and deaths

Also helps in education and primary health care

Question 12 :  Explain the status of President of India. – 

Answer : 

President of India has following power :

Executive Powers

Legislative Powers

Financial Powers

Judicial Powers

Emergency Powers

Miscellaneous Powers

The status of President of India :

He is head of state of India

He is the supreme commander of all three Indian Armed Forces.

Appointment of Judges

He appoints the chiefs of the Army, the Navy, and the Air force

He is constitutional head of the Constitution of India

Civilian Awards are given by the President of India

The President sign must necessary in a bill before it can become a law.

President is the supreme commander of all three indian armed forces.

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